Prolongateur de ceinture Serola

Prolongateur de ceinture Serola
(5 avis client)

15.54 TVA incluse

Fabricant: Serola Biomechanics, Inc.
UPC: EXv1 - U
Solution pour: la croissance pendant la grossesse


Le prolongateur de ceinture Serola ajoute 20 cm à la longueur de la ceinture sacro-iliaque Serola, ce qui en fait la solution idéale pour les personnes qui possèdent déjà une ceinture sacro-iliaque Serola et qui ne peuvent plus porter leur taille actuelle, ou pour les nouveaux clients qui se trouvent entre deux tailles et ne savent pas laquelle choisir. Le prolongateur de ceinture Serola constitue également la solution idéale pour les femmes enceintes qui souhaitent augmenter la taille de leur ceinture sacro-iliaque Serola à mesure que leur ventre grossit pendant la phase finale de la grossesse.

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5 avis pour Prolongateur de ceinture Serola

  1. Della

    I purchased my original belt through a health care professional, but found the size small to be snug. The extender was the perfect solution. It also allows me to wear the belt comfortably over my sweats or jeans.

  2. Susie

    Excellent product. I’ve been a customer since 2017. I was introduced to the belt through my administrator because she also has a herniated disc in her lower back. It’s been a true blessing! Thank you so much for a great product.

  3. Linda Lucy

    Perfect way to extend use of the belt…after putting on several pounds.

  4. MK

    This has helped me be able to wear my belt while pregnant.

  5. To be mommy of 3

    I bought my original Serola Sacroiliac Belt after the birth of my second child when I was having trouble with my ligaments healing after my pregnancy. The chiropractor suggested it and with the helpful information on the Serola website, I recognized that if I were ever pregnant again, wearing the belt right after birth rather than waiting and expecting the pain to heal would help me have a much better quality of life in the 2 years after the new baby arrives. When I found out that I was expecting, buying a bigger sized belt to help me through this pregnancy was at the top of the priority list. However when going through the process of ordering it, my DH found the belt extender that was a fraction of the price of a new belt and said that it would provide me with the same support. I have been so pleased with it! The belt extender attaches perfectly to my belt and allows for the same snug fit that I like. The size,and color of the extender are the same as my belt so it just feels and looks the same. The helpful video about how to place the belt has given me options of where to place it so that the baby and I are both comfortable. I am about half way through this pregnancy and so far, I am free of hip pain!!

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Comment fonctionne le prolongateur de ceinture Serola?

Le prolongateur de ceinture Serola ajoute 20 cm à la longueur de la ceinture sacro-iliaque Serola, ce qui en fait la solution idéale pour les personnes qui possèdent déjà une ceinture sacro-iliaque Serola et qui ne peuvent plus porter leur taille actuelle, ou pour les nouveaux clients qui se trouvent entre deux tailles et ne savent pas laquelle choisir. Le prolongateur de ceinture Serola constitue également la solution idéale pour les femmes enceintes qui souhaitent augmenter la taille de leur ceinture sacro-iliaque Serola à mesure que leur ventre grossit pendant la phase finale de la grossesse.

Comment laver le prolongateur?

NE JAMAIS LAVER À LA MACHINE. Laver uniquement à la main. Eau chaude ou froide. Bien rincer à l’eau froide pour éliminer les résidus de savon des petites cellules ouvertes de la mousse. Sécher sur une corde.